Monday, August 27, 2007

~~August Artsy Essay~~

Yo-Ho Me fine visitors and welcome to me entry in the August Artsy Essay Contest at Judith HeartSong Blog. I'm going to spin a tale of high sea adventure for this months topic : Squeezing every last drop of sunshine out of Summer.

So sit back ye scurvy dogs and listen to me tale or I'll have to make ye' all walk the plank.

The sun rose high in the hot summer sky. The sounds of the oceans waves lapping against the ships hull is a soothing lullaby. I take a moment and look around at me shipmates. A scurvy bunch is I ever saw one. I wonder to myself what this adventure has in store for us, I guess I will find out soon enough. The Pieces of Eight Pirate ship is a fine vessel.

Able to withstand the roughest of waters, but what the ocean holds is a mystery and only time will tell what dangers may be in store for me crew and I.

Some of me crew is already getting out of hand, a wee bit to much ale, if you ask me.

I hear me hearties telling tale's of adventures and booty acquired from pillaging unsuspecting vessels. Echo's of screams "Give me all ye treasure" fill the air.

With are flags raised high our adventure continues while be shipmates keep a eye out for Captain Blackbeard. We've heard tales he be spotted in these waters and has left a trail of blood in his wake.

Captain Blackbeard is well known for taking no prisoners. He is the worse pirate to ever sail the seven seas.

We must protect our treasure at all cost. This bountiful booty can not be allowed to fall into his bloody hands.

Me crew grows anxious as we leave the safety of land behind and sail deeper in these waters.

I look out at the ocean, no matter how many times I be on these waters they never cease to amazing me. The treasures the oceans holds go beyond booty, it holds vast life of infinite numbers.

Arrr, what do me ears hear.. sounds like mutiny afoot. I ask me crew "What be going on here?" . Me grew informs me, we have a thief amongst us. I head to the poop deck where me shipmate be holding the retched thief. "Avast ye scurvy dog, one of me own crew trying to steal me treasure."

'Me think we should have ye walk the plank and send thee straight to Davy Jones Locker"

Just as I'm about to make her walk the plank, I hear a cry from high above in the crows nest. " Avast, Ye 'Earties Captain Blackbeard's ship approaches off the stern, Man the cannon".

Arr, Davy Jones will have to wait... We need all the hands we can get. I hear the wheels of the cannon coming on deck.. lining her up we wait.. loaded and ready for Blackbeards ship to be in range.

Steady, me 'earties... steady. We have one chance and one chance only. The sound of the approaching vessel was deafening. The skull and cross bones coming into view.

Ready, me 'earties.. FIRE!!!!!. The fierce blast rips through the starboard side, pieces flying into the ocean. There is a large explosion and a fire ball reaches into the sky. There will be no survivors today, me 'earties. We watch as the water rushes in.. engulfing the ship and taking the her and all it's crew to the dark fathoms below.. Victory is our's!!!

We celebrate in true pirate fashion.. music,dancing and ale all around.

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The sun is slowly disappearing into the ocean and the wind is on our side. I sit watch me crew celebrate a much deserved victory aboard the The Pieces of Eight Pirate ship, Slowly I turn looking out at the vast ocean as the last shred of light can be seen and wonder what new adventure is in store for me crew and I and what new shores will get to explore. But that adventure is for another day, for now we enjoy the moment and get lost in pleasures of the sea.

This entry is for Judi's Artsy essay contest for August if you want to take a shot at participating or just want to read the entries hit the link and check it out, you won't be dispointed.

Judith HeartSong: August Artsy Essay

Here are some more photo's of the wonderful day my family and I had on their visit to Va. on this fun pirate adventure just last week.

All personal photo's by Kristal©All rights reserved. All others from public sources.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your pirate adventure and the song added just the right touch! Good luck to you in the contest.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful glimpse of your family's last days of summer adventure. I really liked the addition of the pirate song at the end. I must save it for my grandchildren who are 'Pirate' fanatics too ! Yo! Ho!
Good Luck to you in the contest.
Thank you for stopping by my journal and leaving a lovely comment.
All the Best!


Judith HeartSong said...

oh Kristal, what a wonderful post and adventure!!! Thank you so much for writing, I feel like we have come full circle from the old days at aol when you only read the entries.... and now, here you are!!!

Fantastic entry and photos, thanks for taking us along!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Loved this! Made me smile big time. Great entry and good luck