Sunday, November 11, 2007

~~Humbling Experience~~

They say everything happens for a reason and I truly believe this to be true and today was one of those day. I have had a lot on my mind as of late..(then again I always do) but lately it has been the burdens of life taking a toll. I find myself thinking and dwelling on things I have no control of, things I am trying to get control of and all those things in between and I admit things are weighing heavy on my mind. I feel like I am walking down a long dark corridor, all the doors are locked and there seems to be no end in sight. I keep trying to find my way but the doors just won't budge, so I keep going.. I never give up and just keep searching.. knowing one day I will either find the right door or reach the light at the end of the long tunnel.

Today at work (I work in retail) I was putting away merchandise and my mind was wondering as I filled the shelves. An older man asked me a question about a product that unfortunately I no longer carry, but this question started a conversation. See I learned a long time ago that often, especially around the holidays I am approached my a customer sometimes to ask a question.. but often it is just because they need to talk. I am always willing to listen with willing ear and a tender heart. Often they have lost a loved one and the holidays leave them hurt and lonely, many others are going through personal life altering illness. Mostly I just listen.. sometime a say positive encouraging words.. many times they bid me farewell and I have to leave the floor because I am crying. I gladly carry some of there pain if only for a moment to help relieve some of life burdens from them. But today was different.. This man did need to talk, he is going through a struggle in life which included being kicked out of his home along with 30 other people who lived in his trailer park because some men bought the property to build condos that the average person can't afford to live in. Now his lives in a trailer in the middle of no where, with no heat and little electricity. He sleeps with layer after layer of cloths on, two blankets underneath him and three on top and cold weather has just begun. Even though I live on the coast in Virginia.. it still get cold and at times even snows, so I know he is in for a very long winter. He told me about his life and work, we talked about political matters and just about some of the merchandise on my shelves. I enjoyed the conversation and was very humbled by it as well. I realized that looking back and all the people.. perfect strangers that have come to me for a few moments in time have come in times when I needed to be humbled. I needed to see through someone Else's eye's and even though things may be hard for me.. that I am VERY blessed. I have family and friends who love me.. I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, cloths on my back and my health.. it may no be perfect but so many are worse off the I.

I have to take a moment to send out a thank you... out into the vast universe that we live in and thank all those perfect strangers that have touched my life (or will touch my life) and left an impression on my soul. Thank you for humbling me.. thank you for reminding me of what is truly important in life and I only can hope that I helped if only for a moment carry your burden for you and helped calm your souls and for all those yet to come.. I am here with a willing ear and a tender heart for you always...

Happiness and love to all..

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