Thursday, March 16, 2006


I have had a mind full the last several days.. There is so much going on and so many choices to make. I have been in emotional overdrive and was having a hard time this morning getting moving to get to work.. it was a cool morning and the sky was overcast and thick with clouds.. there was no seeing past them.. I was driving and I noticed something.. Even though the sky was full of dark… dreary clouds.. there was something wonderful shining through.. I wish I would have had my camera to show you.. it was a rainbow.. it had not been raining.. it was just beautiful. I am a believer in signs.. there are signs all around us we just have to be open to them and accepting to there meaning. Today this rainbow was there to tell me.. “Even those the days seem long and dark and things don’t seem like they are going to get better.. Even though there are hard times ahead of you and you may be scared about what the future holds. That it all will be worth while for brighter, better day are ahead waiting for you”  I very much needed this sign.. it has helped me relax and lets me know I am doing the rights things.. that choices I am making are the right choices. That my path however bumpy is the right path and my destiny awaits me to write it.